Finance & Asset Recovery
No two cases are the same, we approach each case with a unique strategy, crafted to address your specific objectives. We understand the financial difficulties caused by unpaid goods and services, and whether you’re dealing with issues involving fraud, insolvency, or asset recovery, we will offer you a strategy that best serves your interests.
St. Joseph Chambers is regularly instructed in high value corporate finance and asset recovery cases. We act for international suppliers and manufacturers in disputes regarding the supply of goods and services. We are also experienced in cases involving finance and leasing agreements, credit agreements and personal guarantees.
We have experience across a broad spectrum of industries including construction, motor finance, waste management, care homes, pharmaceutical, archaeology, food, and beverage.
Our Chambers receives instructions from clients in several European countries as well as China. He regularly provides specialist advice and representation on legal issues such as the correct jurisdiction for instigating legal proceedings, the applicability of foreign law to English Court proceedings and the enforcement of foreign Judgments.
Our cases often involve arguments over the quality of goods and services provided by a supplier, disputes over contractual terms, and claims for consequential damages such as loss of profit. In appropriate cases, we will assist our clients in obtaining a freezing order.
A freezing order is an interim injunction that restrains a party from disposing of or dealing with assets. This could include freezing bank accounts, shares, motor vehicles and land. A freezing order can assist a client to recover the value of the Judgment ultimately awarded to it against the other party.
St. Joseph Chambers also has experience in the financial sector having advised and assisted in numerous Court Claims relating to PPI insurance provided by banks to consumers.
St. Joseph Chambers is not limited by geographical boundaries. We handle finance and asset recovery cases on a local, national, and international scale, offering a holistic and strategic perspective to your legal case.
We understand that the financial implications of legal proceedings can sometimes be uncertain. It is for this reason that St. Joseph Chambers operates on a fixed fee basis, providing clients with a clear description of the service included in the cost.