
Stuart Nicol - Called To The Bar - 1994
Door Tenant

I am a barrister with 29 years’ experience in common law and commercial law.

Credit Hire

I am one of the leading senior junior barristers in the field of Credit Hire having represented both Claimants and Defendants in some of the leading cases:

  • I successfully represented the Appellant/Defendant as junior counsel with Mark Turner QC (now Mr. Justice Turner) in the leading Court of Appeal decision Beechwood v. Hoyer Group [2010] EWCA Civ 647 which dealt with credit hire claims on behalf of Corporate Claimants.
  • I successfully represented the Claimant in the case of Cheung v. UK Insurance [2015].
  • I was junior counsel with Richard Spearman QC in Clayton v. EUI Ltd. [2017] EWCA Civ 144 in the recent Court of Appeal decision which was conjoined with McBride v. UK Insurance.
  • I successfully represented the non-party below and on Appeal in Parker v. Skyfire Insurance Limited & Spectra Drive Limited [2024] EWHC 1060, (KB Division) a decision of Mrs. Justice Dias concerning non-party costs orders and the effect of misrepresentation where a Claimant has entered into a credit hire agreement)
  • Agheampong v. Allied Manufacturing (a leading and often cited decision in the field of Illegality and Credit Hire by HHJ Dean QC)
  • Mungall v. West Oxfordshire D.C. (a decision of HHJ Harris QC dealing with the locus of the Claimant to claim for damages)
  • Dix v. Zurich Insurance (a decision of HHJ Saffman dealing with taxi hire claims and the correct measure of loss)

Commercial Law

In addition to my Credit Hire practice, I also have a diverse commercial practice in the fields of Insurance Law Intellectual Property & Media Law, obtaining and defending Injunctive relief and more recently claims involving Cryptocurrencies.

I was junior counsel with Richard Spearman QC in the seminal decision by the Court of Appeal of Dunnage v. UK Insurance [2015] EWCA Civ 673. This case is the leading authority of the defence of insanity in Civil claims.

In my Intellectual Property and Media Law practice I have represented household names such as David Essex, “The Village People”​ and Bruce Foxton of “The Jam”​. I successfully obtained interim injunctive relief against Bauer Publications Limited in the highly unusual case of breach of a House of Lords anonymity order: B v. Bauer Publications Limited [2022] EMLR 8

I have considerable experience in obtaining and defending applications for interim injunctive relief especially national and international freezing orders. In Xhosa v. Multi Circuit Boards [2014] EWHC 1286 where I successfully obtained numerous national and international injunctive orders including a Passport Impoundment Order.

In the field of Cryptocurrencies, I have successfully obtained interim injunctions against persons unknown and identified parties where there have been Bitcoin scams. In the summer of 2024 before Mrs. Justice Joanna Smith I obtained Norwich Pharmacal Orders against two Cryptocurrency Exchanges outside of the jurisdiction and Freezing Injunctions against persons unknown. 

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